
CSC and community celebrate Anzac Day

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Service-people young and old: Cobram Vietnam War veteran Rob Brown with current Australian military personnel. Photo by Ebony Orzegowski

We will remember them.

Those famous words were spoken at Cobram Secondary College on Friday, April 19 as the school hosted its annual Anzac Day ceremony.

Alongside CSC students and staff, members of the Army School of Health, veterans, dignitaries and students from other schools attended the event.

A flyover was conducted by local pilots and relatives of the fallen soldiers that CSC’s student houses are named after laid poppies at the school’s Remembrance Garden.

Gabriel Garcia from the Courier and CSC student Ebony Orzegowski the following photos.

Catafalque party: Personnel of the Army School of Health take part in the catafalque party. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Special speech: Lieutenant India O'Conner was a guest speaker, talking about Australia’s military history. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Laying the poppies: Descendants of the fallen soldiers whose names CSC’s school houses are named after lay poppies with students at the Remembrance Garden. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Reflective moment: Cobram RSL sub-branch president Barry Clarke and CSC student Isabella De Vincentis read out the Ode of Remembrance. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Honouring the fallen: Attendees take a minute’s silence to honour the fallen.
Striking a tune: Members of the CSC orchestra strike a tune for the attendees. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Standing guard: Natalie Croonan forms part of the catafalque party. Photo by Gabriel Garcia
Relaxing: Veterans relax for coffee and cakes after the ceremony. Photo by Ebony Orzegowski
Two generations: CSC principal Kimberley Tempest with father Brian Tempest. Photo by Ebony Orzegowski