
Cultural bus tour to mark Refugee Week

See the sights: Rumbalara chairman Greg James and Sam Atukorala from the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District are looking forward to this year's cultural bus tour. Photo by Megan Fisher

The Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District is running a bus tour of Shepparton’s cultural sites to celebrate Refugee Week.

“We're promoting tolerance and understanding of the multicultural and multifaith communities that make up Shepparton,” Ethnic Council project officer Andrew Murley said.

The tour will include visits to Rumbalara Mooroopna, Turkish Mosque, Iraqi Mosque, Afghan Mosque and Sikh Gurduara on Monday, June 20, starting at the Ethnic Council at 9am.

While at these cultural sites, participants can ask questions of spiritual and cultural leaders to learn more about the diverse faiths and cultures in Shepparton.

“Shepparton is a very diverse community — 10 per cent of the community is Indigenous, 10 per cent comes from emerging communities with migrant backgrounds like Afghan, Iraqi, Congolese, Sudanese and Syrian communities,” Ethnic Council strategic engagement co-ordinator Sam Atukorala said.

Another 25 to 30 per cent of the population is made up of skilled, spouse, business and other migrants, as well as international students from across the globe, Mr Atukorala said.

“We have a very diverse and multicultural community in Greater Shepparton,” he said.

“Shepparton has been one of the most successful migrant settlement areas in Victoria, if not Australia.

“What this bus tour does, it gives an opportunity for new communities to showcase their culture and faith with the wider community.

“It’s an opportunity for people to integrate with each other and share their culture, and welcome new and emerging communities to Greater Shepparton.

“The most important thing is at Rumbalara. We have the opportunity to learn about the world’s oldest living culture, Australian Aboriginals.

“We will learn about Indigenous history in this region and their culture.”

The bus tour is popular and the seats are limited. The Ethnic Council encourages members of the community who are interested to be quick to book for this free event.

To reserve a seat call Andrew Murley on 5831 2395.