Dad of the year to give raffle prize to daughter

Success: Moama Bowling Club staged its Landcruiser Draw last Thursday night. Pictured are Brendan Hogan (draw official), Moama Bowling Club’s George Santos, John Smith (winner) and Echuca Toyota dealer principal John Merritt. Photo by Aidan Briggs

John Smith went from a familiar name to a household one in the annals of the Moama Bowling Club last Thursday night.

The Moama resident was the winner of the popular Landcruiser Draw promotion.

Mr Smith will receive the magnificent Toyota Landcruiser, valued at $130,000, and said he had a little surprise for a family member.

“It’s great (to win it),” Mr Smith said.

“I’m going to give it to my daughter, I’ve already got six cars … they’re collector cars.”

Mr Smith was one of 12 members who featured in the draw.

Moama Bowling Club sales and marketing manager George Santos said to have a hometown winner capped off a tremendous draw.

“It is lovely to see one of the locals getting something so valuable,” Mr Santos said.

“John has been a member for six years … it pays to be a member at the Moama Bowling Club.”

Mr Santos said this year’s draw was different in format to previous renewals and added to the excitement of the evening.

“Normally we have the vehicle here, but because of the renovations under way at the club, we couldn’t have it here this time,” he said.

“This was an unusual draw, with the 12 identical boxes for the monthly winners.

“To be eligible for the draw you have to be a member, use your membership card which you accrue points on by buying meals and drinks, and each month we have a winner.”

Mr Santos thanked Echuca Toyota and dealer principal John Merritt for his support of the Landcruiser Draw.

Mr Merritt was also in attendance for the draw.