Date set for Welcome to Berrigan lunch

The Berrigan District and Development Association is inviting all new and returned residents to the area to attend a welcome to Berrigan barbecue luncheon.

Anyone who has joined or come back to the community in the last five years is welcome.

Long-time locals are also encouraged to attend as hosts for their new neighbours or friends.

The luncheon will be held Sunday, August 25 at noon at the Berrigan Community Club

Lunch will be provided and drinks can be purchased at bar prices.

To assist with catering please RSVP by Friday, August 16 to Jenna Sawasbrick on 5885 2382 or email


This Sunday there will be social bowls for all levels of bowlers.

There will be warm soup on arrival from 12 noon and then bowls to start at 12.30pm. All welcome


The Community Garden has a selection of lemons, limes, oranges and pot plants for a donation at the garden.

This Saturday at 9.30am members will be pruning the salvias and plants around the garden and then potting up some of the new growth.

If you would like to join and learn how to do it, come along with your secateurs, hedge trimmers and join in for a cuppa and cake when finished.

Many hands make light work.


Berrigan Red Cross is holding a street stall for the winter appeal this Friday from 8.30am outside IGA.

Assistance with items of saleable goods will be very much appreciated.

The shop has a good stock of winter clothes, so pop in and have a look for a bargain.