
David turns 100

David Milthorpe had a few special guests help him celebrate his 100th birthday last week.

The 100th birthday of Mr David Milthorpe, on September 12, was recently celebrated at the Jerilderie MPS.

His sons Frank and Peter, from Sydney and Brisbane respectively, were joined by staff, friends and Year 5/6 students from St Joseph’s for the occasion.


Des McRae recently sold his veterinary business after more than 42 years providing care to Jerilderie and district’s large animals, pets and their humans.

There are probably not too many who have not been the recipients of the empathetic treatment of our valuable animals or beloved pets from Des and his staff.

The team has also always provided owners a ‘shoulder to cry on’ when the inevitable ‘final’ decision has had to be made.

We wish the new business owners, Alecia Williams and Steph Reardon, with Helen and Kirby, the very best as they carry on the tradition of best animal care.

Des will still be on hand for two years.


Locals would be sorry to learn of the death of Bob Delahey on Monday, September 10. Sympathy is extended to his partner Marjorie, family and friends.

Bob’s funeral service will be from St Joseph’s Catholic Church this Friday, at 11am.


Last Thursday a group of friends gathered with family members to pay tribute to Kath McFarlane who died recently.

Kath was well known, loved and respected, particularly by those with a sweet tooth, as she had run the Sticky Fingers sweet shop in the main street for many years, and was also the local Information Centre.

She kept us amused and on the ball with her daily chalked messages on the blackboard outside her shop, next to the local bakery.

A funeral service for Kath was held at the Billabong Creek jetty behind the Sports Centre, followed by refreshments in the Sports Club, and the chance to share stories and memories.

Sympathy is extended to Kath’s son Damien and his family, and her many friends.


Names are being taken for the 2025 Portsea School Holiday Camp, which will be held from Monday, January 13 to Friday, January 17.

The camp is available for children between the ages of eight and 12 who reside in the Murrumbidgee Council area.

The cost of the camp has been set at $660. Council is fortunate to have generous local organisations and businesses willing to assist in subsidising the total camp costs.

As only 20 places have been allocated, early enrolments are advised.

A deposit of $200 should be submitted to the council office by Friday, November 1, with the balance payable by December 6.

For more information contact Toni Shaw at Jerilderie Council Office or phone (03) 5886 1200.

Expressions of interest in attending as a camp leader (18+ years) are also invited. Requirements are a first aid certificate, Working with Children’s Check, and a Police Check. Anyone interested should contact Toni at the above office or phone number.


Jerilderie Tidy Towns Committee is seeking community input to vote for the 2024 Garden Competition awards.

Categories are Best Kept, Most Colourful and Best Business Spring Display, all as viewed from the kerb.

Winners will be announced at the Flower Show on October 25.

Contact any member of Tidy Towns with your comments.


The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary’s next meeting is next Thursday, September 26, at 2pm, in the meeting room at the local hospital.

If you can’t make it to the meeting but would be available to assist on the raffle stall on Friday, October 14, please advise Judy on 0439 743 731 before September 26.

New members are always welcome; just go along to a meeting and find out what the auxiliary does to support the residents, patients and staff of our wonderful facility.


Jerilderie Public School enjoyed a Twisted Science day yesterday.

They were joined by their friends from the Lowesdale Public School for a workshop together.


The Kids Go Fishing Day is coming up again.

The date for your calendars is Sunday, November 3, and it will run from 9am to 3pm at Lake Jerilderie, Luke Park.

Contact is Ian Bryce on 0409 339 941.