
Decorated doors delight

Creative talent: Venus Wood standing with the door she decorated, which is too intricate to capture in its entirety in a single photo, including a child climbing a ladder to reach the window frame, looking for Santa.

Competition hot was at Seymour Health as staff vie to create the best Christmas door decorations for their departments.

The winner of the Christmas door decorating competition, which is in its third year, was announced on Wednesday, December 14 at a staff Christmas lunch.

It was winner Venus Wood’s first year entering the competition, decorating the door of the acute cleaning ward.

The judging panel of four Seymour Health board directors agreed that she blew the competition out of the water, taking home first place out of the 21 doors entered in the competition.

The display, which took three weeks to assemble, is all handmade, from the individually cut out ‘bricks’, a handmade mannequin of a boy climbing the ladder and a Christmas tree with all the names of her colleagues.

Mrs Wood said her display was inspired by children’s excitement in the lead-up to Christmas.

“Christmas is for the kids, waiting for Santa,” Mrs Wood said.

As you would expect Mrs Wood’s house is decorated and ready for her nine grandchildren to visit on Christmas Day.

Christmas spirit: Seymour Health employees Cindy Newman and Bree D’Andrea with the interactive door they created for the acute ward, which won second place.