
Demystifying the Voice panel to be held in Shepparton

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Being heard: The Voice referendum panel discussion is aimed at providing a space for multicultural communities to ask questions and discuss the referendum.

A multicultural group in the Goulburn Valley is breaking down the myths surrounding the upcoming Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.

The Door Bells: Migrant Women’s Network is hosting ‘Demystify The Voice Referendum’, a panel discussion that provides a space for the multicultural community to ask questions about the Voice.

The Door Bells: Migrant Women’s Network founder and president Seema Abdullah said it was important migrant communities were aware of the facts surrounding the Voice.

“We want migrant communities to be engaged and play a significant role in this critical part of Australia’s history,” she said.

“That’s why TDB-MWN has organised this event, where migrants and other communities can learn from a panel discussion and ask questions about the referendum to make an informed decision on October 14.”

The forum event is aimed at the multicultural community, but anyone is welcome to attend.

The panel will include human rights advocate Maria Dimopoulos, former Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District manager Chris Hazelman, City of Greater Shepparton Cr Greg James and facilitator Alana Johnson, and was created in collaboration with Shepparton Reconciliation Group, La Trobe University and the University of Melbourne.

Ms Dimopoulos said she had more faith in communities than in the polls, and hoped this seminar could lead people to make informed decisions about the Voice.

“There is no doubt that we have a lot of work to do in having important conversations with our friends, families and communities,” she said.

“But ultimately, I believe that we as a nation understand the significance of this opportunity to create a future that not only recognises its past but embraces a future based on justice, equality and human rights.”

The panel discussion will occur at the Department of Rural Health, 49 Graham St, Shepparton, on Friday, September 15, from 5.30pm.

Attendees are welcome to submit a question for the panel by emailing

Light refreshments and child-minding will be available.

Registrations for the event can be made online at Demystify The Voice Referendum 2023 via eventbrite.

For more information, go to The Door Bells: Migrant Women’s Network Facebook page.