
'Devastation’: Tatura Medical Centre damaged, pool out of action, thousands without power

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Repair job: A fallen tree has brought down a powerline in Slim Crt, Tatura. Photo by Megan Fisher

A severe lightning and hail storm wreaked havoc on Thursday night, with about 3000 customers in the Tatura, Mooroopna and Shepparton area without power, trees down and cars smashed.

Powercor spokeswoman Emma Tyner said on Friday morning that some customers could be without power until Saturday.

White Christmas: Hail blankets Simone Dunne's Tatura property on Thursday, December 22. Photo: Simone Dunne.

“We have crews on the ground today conducting repairs - in some cases it will involve changing poles,” she said.

“We have a number of wires that are down in the Shepparton and Mooroopna region so we would advise people to stay well away from fallen powerlines if they do come across them and to report them immediately to us on 13 24 12.

“We will also have crews out today patrolling a number of major powerlines to assess whether there’s any further damage.

“We expect to get the majority of customers back on today, but depending on the level of damage we do find there may be some customers who are off power into [Saturday].”

On whether Christmas Day could be impacted, Ms Tyner said crews were working “as quickly and safely as possible”.

“We are obviously very mindful that many people have Christmas functions on tonight into tomorrow, obviously Christmas Day is a very important one, we’re doing what we can to get power restored,” she said.

Tatura resident Simone Dunne said driving down the main street of the town on Friday morning there was “devastation”.

“The hail lasted about 15 minutes, it just kept going and going and going,” she said.

Damaging: Hail at Tatura. Photo by Simone Dunne

“We lost four limbs off big gum trees, it’s taken paint off the roof and the lawn is shredded.”

Ms Dunne said a limb had fallen on a powerline on the street out the front of her property and SES crews had been working all night.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, there was 43.6mm of rainfall in Tatura from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, and wind gusts up to 52km/h were recorded at 6.30pm.

Tatura pool impacted

Greater Shepparton City Council active living manager David Booth said Tatura pool is closed after being hit by the deluge.

“The plant room is underground, which houses the pump and other equipment, and has been impacted,” he said.

“At this stage, the pool is closed and will remain so for at least a couple of weeks while the issues are addressed and with the Christmas break.

“We understand it is going to be hot, so people may wish to consider the Merrigum pool with its splash park, or Mooroopna pool as alternatives.”

Photos coming in from Tatura

News photographers and journalists are in Tatura this morning and sending through what they’re seeing.

Clean up: Trees and branches down along Gowrie St, Tatura, on Friday morning. Photo: Megan Fisher. Photo by Megan Fisher
Aftermath: Fallen limbs and flooding at George Reilly Park, Tatura. Photo: Megan Fisher. Photo by Megan Fisher
Destruction: Fallen netting down at an orchard on Ferguson Rd. Photo: Megan Fisher. Photo by Megan Fisher
Damage: Limbs fallen on fencing on Ferguson Rd. Photo: Megan Fisher. Photo by Megan Fisher

Medical centre damaged

The roof has fallen in at Tatura Medical Centre last night due to storm damage.

Floors will also need replacing, though the full extent of damage is still unknown.

Practice manager Anna Atkins said the night was “a bit of a blur”.

“It’s heartbreaking, really,” she said.

The centre was fully booked with clients up until Christmas and is now closed until repairs can be made.

Due to the vicinity to Christmas, Ms Atkins said it may be “virtually impossible”.

“I imagine it will be [closed] possibly all of next week,” she said.

Good and bad news

Some good news just in from News photographer Megan Fisher who was inside Tatura Bakery when the power came back on a few minutes ago.

Costly: Two roofs have fallen in at Tatura Hotel, which also experienced flooding from Thursday night's storm. Photo by Caitlyn Grant

But it’s a tough morning from Tatura Hotel, which expects more than $20,000 in damage costs with two roofs fallen in and flooding.

Meanwhile, Ritchie’s IGA in Tatura had to close at last night due to water on the shop floor but thanks to a generator, all was fine this morning and the store’s trading as normal.

Free storm-affected green waste disposal

Greater Shepparton City Council is opening Ardmona Resource Recovery Centre today from 11am to 2.30pm for residents wishing to dispose of green waste from the storm, free of charge.

The centre will open on Saturday as normal from 8am to 2.45pm, again with free disposal of green waste from the storm.

The council has removed fallen trees and street sweepers and council staff are cleaning up the impacts from the storm.

“We urge everyone to avoid storm affected areas if possible, and to obey speed limits and warning signs,” a council spokesperson said.

Wreckage: Tatura Swimming Pool has been damaged by Thursday night's storm and is expected to remain closed for at least a couple of weeks. Photo by Megan Fisher
Deluge: Flooding on Serra Court, Tatura on Friday morning. Photo by Caleb Francis
Limbs falling: Trees down at Tatura Primary School. Photo by Caleb Francis

More to come.