
Diamond day for Val and Reg

Former Jerilderie resident Sheridan Mortlock (centre) on being crowned Miss Earth Australia earlier this year. She competed in the international pageant recently and placed second.

Congratulations to Val and Reg Montgomery on reaching their 60th wedding anniversary, which is tomorrow, December 8.

Celebrations with family were held at the Sports Club.

May Val and Reg have many more happy years together.


The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary’s last meeting for the year, held in the hospital meeting room on Thursday, was well attended.

Two new members were welcomed, and a new treasurer elected.

During the meeting, members moved that three sets of outdoor tables and chairs be purchased for the new garden area for the residents.

After the meeting, members were invited to join residents, family members, and other guests for afternoon tea in the new garden.

It was a lovely afternoon, and a chance to catch up with people who had been isolated during COVID lockdowns.

The next meeting of the auxiliary will be on Thursday, February 23. New members are always welcome.


The Jerilderie Medical Centre will be closed from close of business today, until Monday January 9, 2023.

For non-urgent appointments during this time, contact either the Berrigan or Finley Medical Centres.

In the case of any emergencies, you are advised to either contact the local hospital or phone for an ambulance.


St Joseph’s end of year presentation day is next Tuesday, December 13, with a Mass at 10am, and the presentation evening at 6.30pm.

Jerilderie Public School presentation evening is the following night from 6.30pm.


St Stephen’s Anglican Church will ring with the sound of Christmas Carols on Sunday, December 18.

The popular Carol Service will start at 7.30pm, after which there will be supper, and the drawing of the lovely Christmas Hamper raffle.

It is ‘open house’ so go along and add your voice to the proceedings.

This service will be the Christmas Service for St Stephen’s, unless otherwise advised.

Mass at St Joseph’s Catholic Church on Christmas Day will be at 9am.

This is instead of the usual Sunday 10.30am Mass time.


Murrumbidgee Council is hosting a giant slip and slide at the Jerilderie Swimming Pool on Friday, December 30, from 3pm to 6pm.

It is free entry, and there will be a free sausage sizzle, and prizes to be won.

Follow the pool’s Facebook page for more information on times and activities.


At the risk of being accused of nepotism, Paul and Judy Ryan are delighted to share the news that their granddaughter Sheridan Mortlock achieved second place in the Miss Earth International Pageant held recently in Manila.

More news will be available when her proud parents, Helene and Justin, get back to Australia with all the details.


The Lions 2023 Christmas calendars were delivered to households in Jerilderie on Sunday, by three Lions members and six Christmas elves.

This is a free service provided by the Lions Club of Jerilderie.

The Lions Club is grateful to the young people who gave up a couple of hours of their time on a warm Sunday to assist.

If you missed out on the calendar for any reason, you may be able to pick one up at the Jerilderie Newsagency.


Jerilderie CWA will meet at 10am tomorrow for handicraft, to make gifts for Christmas.

This is the last get together for the year, and will be followed by Christmas luncheon.

Members have been encouraged to bring a friend.

The floods have been causing problems everywhere and the CWA of NSW - the quiet achievers - are at the forefront, assisting people and towns to cope.

Meetings will resume in February 2023.

CWA members wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and hope 2023 will be a good one!