
Digital skills event in Shepparton to empower app-solute confidence in women

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The Victorian Women’s Trust has a new initiative to address a hidden gender inequality issue. Photo: Rural Women Online

There’s an underlying gender inequality issue that has been bubbling under the surface for years, and it’s not about unequal pay, under-representation or poor medical care.

It’s the digital divide.

“This capability gap became obvious during COVID-19 lockdowns,” Victorian Women’s Trust chair Alana Johnson said.

“Women living in rural areas were socially isolated and didn’t know how to use apps or digital platforms to connect with family and friends, perhaps never done online banking or purchased groceries that way, or made an appointment for telehealth.

“So many things became apparent during that time that really disadvantaged women.”

To address this, there’s an alternative to raging against the machine.

Rural Women Online, a digital inclusion initiative by the Victorian Women’s Trust, will be at the McIntosh Centre in Shepparton from August 5 to 9, offering free workshops, talks and one-on-one tech support.

“In our experience, the most successful way for women to gain skills and confidence is to be supported by other women,” Ms Johnson said.

“Women with any level of digital skills — from those who don’t have an email address to those who don’t know how to download apps on their phone — can come along and find assistance for their personal goals and needs.”

With over 30 information sessions, a variety of topics will be covered, including identifying and dealing with scams, enhancing digital marketing skills and ensuring children’s digital safety.

All of which stem from access, affordability and ability barriers.

The upcoming event aims to ensure that technology is accessible and empowering for all women in the region, including those from non-English speaking backgrounds, who will be provided with translated materials.

While focusing on the needs and interests of rural women, Ms Johnson said everyone was welcome to attend.

“We’re suggesting children bring aunties, mums or grandmas to be a part of the learning with them,” she said.

“This will be a friendly, welcoming space, but also a fun space for people to build confidence and feel like the digital world is something that belongs to them.”

Please note that some sessions require bookings.

For more information about Rural Women Online and to book, visit or call 0408 319 363.