
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library opens in Benalla with help from Rotary, Tomorrow Today and council

Former Benalla principal Margot Sherwill spoke passionately about the benefits of the new Benalla Imagination Library at its official opening on Thursday, July 25. Photo by Simon Ruppert

In 1995, music legend Dolly Parton started the Imagination Library program. Twenty-nine years later, it’s proved so successful that it’s made it to Benalla.

Those aware of Ms Parton’s philanthropy will understand this is much more than a celebrity-backed gimmick.

It’s an educational program with measurable outcomes.

Youngsters who take part develop literacy skills quicker than those who do not and, on average, perform much better in school.

The program’s goals align closely with those of Tomorrow Today.

As such, it is no surprise that Benalla’s Community Foundation is administering it in the Rose City, in collaboration with Benalla Rural City Council and the Rotary Club of Benalla.

Tomorrow Today Executive Officer, Jodie Fleming said participating youngsters aged 0-5 get a free, high quality, age-appropriate book with a tip sheet for parents and carers sent to them each month.

“In Benalla the program is open to children aged 0-2 residing in Benalla Rural City,” Ms Fleming said said.

“Once children turn three, they can transition to the program administered by Benalla’s preschools.”

The program was officially opened on July 25. At 3pm on July 26 it had 153 participants already signed up.

At the program’s launch at Benalla Library, former Benalla principal Margot Sherwill spoke about its benefits.

She pointed to the difference in NAPLAN results between youngsters given the opportunity to take part and those who do not.

Benalla Mayor Danny Claridge also spoke at the launch.

“Programs like this are extremely important to a town like Benalla,” Cr Claridge said.

“Kids get a book a month, sent to them in the mail. So each month they’re looking forward to their next book.

“It gives them an opportunity to get inspired by books. We have lots of people who bring their younger children to Benalla Library, and this will be something else to help them learn to read and be entertained by.”

Former Rotary president Bill Parris was at the launch.

“Rotary has given a commitment to put $10,000 into the Imagination Library each year for the next three,” he said.

“If things go well, we’d like to go beyond that.”

Families can enroll their children aged 0 to 2 years, 11 months online via or by calling Tomorrow Today on 5762 1211.

Children aged 3-5 can enrol through Benalla’s pre-schools.

Donations to support a child to participate in the program are welcomed, $120 covers the cost of one child to participate for one year.

Donations can be made via, or by calling Tomorrow Today.