
Donation doubled

Colleen Henderson and Bianca Armytage from Deniliquin Can Assist accept the pre-event donation of $5000 from Mark 'Twang' Lengacher from the Pretty Pine Hotel and Shovel Muster committee member Nathan Jefferies.

The ability for Deniliquin Can Assist to help more people in our community has received a significant boost thanks to district and interstate motorcycle enthusiasts.

Organisers of the annual Shovel Muster event recently doubled their donation to the local cancer charity.

It brings the total to $10,000.

The Shovel Muster is held in Pretty Pine, and is specifically targeted as celebrating the Shovelhead Harley Davidson.

It is a show and shine event complemented by music.

Ahead of the June long weekend event this year, organisers made a donation of $5000 to Can Assist.

These were proceeds from a few previous events and a raffle to be drawn at this year’s event.

As the dust settled on the 2023 event - which was attended by about 150 people with their bikes - it was realised there was much more in the coffers to give away.

An appreciative Can Assist committee said the funds would be used to assist those in our community battling with cancer.

Can Assist offers financial support during these challenging journeys.

Its dedicated volunteers aim to relieve the stresses associated with batting cancer by helping with the costs associated with travelling for treatment, accommodation, pharmacy bills, and many other essential needs.

Members of the public can also support the community group by becoming a Can Assist member or volunteering.

For more information about Can Assist and how it can help you, go to or call 0455 097 676.

You can also organise a fundraising event by going to, or donate via direct deposit to Can Assist Deniliquin - BSB: 633 000, Account: 235432.