
Donations needed for Best Start Book Drive

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Donate now: Book Drive is accepting pre-loved children’s books. Image: Pexel Photo by Unknown

The Best Start Book Drive is set to return this August.

The annual drive held by Greater Shepparton City Council will be held from Monday, August 14 to Wednesday, August 30 and will be accepting donations of second-hand children’s books in good condition.

The drive coincides with the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week, which will run from Saturday, August 19 to Friday, August 25.

Council’s Best Start co-ordinator, Belinda Whitelaw, said a key focus of the program was to foster language and literary skills among young minds.

“By giving a second life to your children’s board and picture books, you’ll not only be helping to declutter your house, but also making a significant contribution to the community and the future of young ones,” Ms Whitelaw said.

“The Best Start program largely relies on a steady donation of children’s board and picture books, so council looks forward to this year’s Best Start Book Drive being the most successful one yet.”

Community members can donate their pre-loved books to the council offices from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Anyone who is unable to drop off their books can arrange for a pick-up by contacting early years project officer Belinda Schmedje on 5832 9806.