
Don't forget to register for Cobram-Barooga Anzac Day

Cobram-Barooga RSL is reminding community members if they want to attend a service on Anzac Day, they must register with the RSL.

Two dawn services and an Anzac Day commemoration service later in the day will go ahead on April 25, with anyone wishing to attend needing to register with the Cobram-Barooga RSL Sub-branch as soon as possible.

NSW residents can register to attend a dawn service at Barooga Sporties and Victorian residents can register to attend a service at the Cobram and District War Memorial.

These services start at 6 am on April 25. Those registered for either service will have access to gold coin gunfire breakfast provided at Barooga Sporties.

An Anzac Day commemoration service will be held at the Cobram memorial at 10 am followed by morning tea at the Cobram Civic Centre, provided by Rotary, for a gold coin donation.

Branch president Rob Brown said due to COVID-19 restrictions, the branch has been forced to hold three separate events, with numbers capped at 100 at each event.

“We want to make sure that everyone can get along to either a dawn service or the commemoration service later in the day,” he said.

“Usually at our services we would have about 300 people, so in splitting up the events we can still hold services and we hope everyone will be able to attend.”

Mr Brown said the sub-branch was not able to host one larger event due to the cost of infrastructure and number of volunteers needed for crowd control to ensure the event complies with COVIDsafe guidelines.

“The Cobram-Barooga RSL commemorative committee has made this decision based on government restrictions to allow as many veterans, ADF serving members, RSL members and general public to attend within the financial and manpower capability of the RSL sub-branch that those restrictions impose,” he said.

“Priority of attendance will be based on the preceding hierarchy.”

Mr Brown said the Cobram-Barooga RSL members shared community disappointment that an Anzac Day commemoration march will not be part of this year’s Anzac Day.

“We’re encouraging Cobram and Barooga residents unable to attend the above services to light up the dawn, as you did so wonderfully in 2020, and watch services from Canberra or Melbourne,” he said.

Those registering their intent to attend should be aware that they will need to check in on arrival at designated registration points – provide their name and contact details (manually or electronically by using a phone and QR code).

Restrictions remain in place when gathering in a group including physical distancing from others, regular use of hand sanitiser and, if you are unwell, please do not attend.

“This is not the end of Anzac Day, just a blip in the many transformations it has had in the past 106 years,” Mr Brown said.

Those wishing to attend these services are requested to register by emailing or by contacting the Cobram-Barooga RSL secretary on 0407 040 208.