
Don’t forget to take a break this Easter

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Easter break: Driver Reviver stops will be set up across the state. Photo: VICSES.

People using Victorian roads this Easter long weekend are being urged to put safety front of mind, plan ahead and slow down to ensure everyone gets home safely.

The Transport Accident Commission this week joined VICSES to launch the Easter Driver Reviver program, which is supported by TAC’s Pause Stop campaign, aimed at reducing fatigue-related road trauma — a common concern during busy periods when people are driving long distances.

TAC head of road safety Samantha Cockfield said this Easter long weekend, and the start of school holidays, was a critical time for people to heed the road safety message, with 87 lives already lost on Victorian roads this year — compared to 66 in 2022.

“The number of people dying on Victorian roads is utterly tragic and coming into a busy period we’re urging people to focus on driving safely, get a good night’s sleep before long road trips, and remove distractions,” Ms Cockfield said.

“Fatigue is a major contributor to road trauma, particularly when people are travelling long distances on regional roads, so it’s important to plan your trip to include a break every two hours and change drivers, if possible.

“VICSES Driver Reviver, supported by TAC Pause Stops, are activating this Easter long weekend and we’d encourage motorists to take advantage of these when they see them — and don’t forget to thank the volunteers.”

Deaths on regional roads remain a key issue, with 53 of this year’s lives lost occurring in regional areas, and concerns emerging over the number of fatalities occurring due to mistakes at intersections.

“We know road trauma does not discriminate, and it’s not just deliberate risk taking that is costing lives and causing injuries,” Ms Cockfield said.

“Concentrations lapses and complacency can end in tragedy, especially at high speeds and at intersections. We’re urging people to drive to the conditions and always be aware of their surroundings.”

Last week, the TAC also launched a new campaign supporting the introduction of mobile phone and seatbelt detection camera technology in Victoria, to educate motorists on the purpose of the cameras and inform them of the penalties.

This long weekend, the TAC Pause Stop campaign, including free barista coffee, games and giveaways, will activate at popular existing VICSES Driver River sites Balmattum north-bound (Good Friday) and Longwarry North in-bound (Easter Monday).

For a full list of the more than 30 VICSES Easter Driver Reviver sites, including operating hours, visit