
Drink driver more than three times the legal limit

Over the limit: A drink driver has been fined $650. Photo by Cath Grey

A drink driver who was more than three times the legal limit has been fined $650.

John Chirnside, 42, of Ballendella, pleaded guilty in Echuca Magistrates’ Court to drink driving.

Prosecutor Senior Constable Abdul Fakhouri told the court Chirnside blew 0.154 on Burgoine Rd, Strathallan on February 21, this year.

When interviewed by police about his reason for drink driving, Chirnside made full admissions and stated, “just stupid”, Sen Constable Fakhouri said.

The court was told he had one relevant prior conviction that is more than 22 years old.

Chirnside’s solicitor Greg Johnston said his client is employed and had a character reference from a shire councillor that stated he is “an upstanding citizen.”

Chirnside was fined $650 and disqualified from driving for 15 months.