
Drink driver twice the legal limit

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Fined: A man was more than two times the legal alcohol limit. Photo by Adair Winder

A driver who was more than two times over the prescribed alcohol limit has been fined $1100.

Michael Caligari, 66, of Soldiers Hill, pleaded guilty in Moama Local Court to mid-range drink driving.

Prosecutor Sergeant Andrew Pike said Caligari blew 0.134 when stopped by police on July 17 this year.

Caligari, who was representing himself, said he drank about 10 stubbies and schooners before getting behind the wheel.

He said this offence has cost him his job.

Magistrate Brian Van Zuylen said Caligari knew he was over the limit.

“When police pulled you over you told them you would be over, so you knew,” he said.

“How selfish is that?

Magistrate Van Zuylen said this was not Caligari’s first drink driving offence.

“For selfish and potentially dangerous reasons you decided to get in the car and drive,” he said.

“I’ve seen a motorcyclist who came to court in a wheelchair because of mid-range drink driving and I’ve seen high range drink drivers kill people.

“Ride share home, get a taxi home, the pubs and clubs will organise a ride for you, walk home, and if you do decide you want to drive, then don’t drink.”

Caligari was sentenced to to six months jail, but will serve it in the community.

He was fined $1100, disqualified from driving for six months and an interlock system is to be installed in his vehicle for 12 months.