Dry weather is tough

Photo by Megan Fisher

It is mid-July, and rain has finally arrived in Allansford.

It has been a very difficult autumn and winter here, as it has been for much of the south-west.

As farmers, we’re all used to managing the variability of the seasons, however, this is my 45th season working the farm at Allansford and this is the most difficult in my memory.

The farm has had a B-double truckload of vetch coming every second day, and of course that adds to both costs and the workload for myself and my staff.

Winter feeding will continue to be challenging, with low feed availability and the dry conditions continuing to keep hay and grain prices in our region high.

With fodder reserves diminished and little pasture after a long dry autumn, I am now hoping to manage winter feed and set up for a successful spring.

I’m not alone in these challenges; many farmers in the south-west are in similar positions, experiencing either no autumn break or the latest break they can remember.

I think what’s important to keep in mind is to make sure that you’re not to make bad long-term decisions based on short-term issues. Get some advice to help to think things through and have a plan.

This was the focus of the Tactics for Dry Times seminars WestVic Dairy hosted across the region over the past two weeks in Colac, Camperdown, Heywood and Koroit.

Developed in collaboration with Agriculture Victoria and the Industry Leadership Group, these sessions provided an opportunity to touch base with other farmers and hear practical advice from local agronomists, vets and business consultants who understand the region’s current conditions.

They offered valuable resources to make the most of winter and spring.

WestVic Dairy is also able to organise one-on-one sessions to support farmers with professional advice on their situation and management decisions that need to be made in the light of the current season.

Contact the WestVic Dairy office on 5557 1000 or email info@westvicdairy.com.au to book a session.

These Tactics for Dry Times sessions were specifically created to address the needs of farmers in the south-west region.

This underscores the importance of including a range of farmer perspectives on the WestVic Dairy board to effectively guide and meet the needs of south-west Victorian dairy farmers.

The WestVic Dairy Board is currently looking for passionate farmers and specialists to join the board.

This is a terrific opportunity to give back, shape the industry’s future, and develop your leadership skills.

It is extremely rewarding to work with a team of like-minded individuals who want what’s best for our region’s dairy farmers and industry.

If you are interested in this challenging and rewarding role, I encourage you to submit your application by COB on Thursday, August 15. Visit https://westvicdairy.com.au to find out more and apply.

Your knowledge, perspectives and input would be most welcomed by our board of directors.

As always, please reach out to any of the WestVic Dairy staff or board directors if you have any questions or suggestions — we are here to help.

– Brendan Rea is the WestVic Dairy chair.