
Easter chocolates donated to Echuca Neighbourhood House

Generous: Member of the Order of the Eastern Star Sandra Walker donates Easter chocolate to ENH administration assistant Alyx Jorgensen. Photo by Michael Lloyd

Echuca Neighbourhood House was the lucky recipient of chocolates for the upcoming Easter celebrations.

The Easter chocolates will be given to struggling families who are unable to give their children the joy of a sweet treat.

Echuca pensioner and member of the Order of the Eastern Star Sandra Walker purchased the gifts from the Echuca Woolworths and Coles stores.

“Hopefully, this will inspire other people to think of the less fortunate,” Mrs Walker said.

“I get a kick out of supporting local organisations, especially the food bank.”

Mrs Walker donated $150 of her own money, with the remainder donated by the two grocery stores.

“The children will be able to keep the cup and use it in the future, as it’s not made of porcelain,” Mrs Walker said.

All of the cups are made of durable plastic.

ENH administration assistant Alyx Jorgensen said she was overwhelmed by the generous donation by Mrs Walker, who works tirelessly to support worthy local organisations.

“It’s wonderful to see children who might miss out on Easter get a nice chocolate surprise,” Ms Jorgensen said.