Echuca Neighbourhood House setting up flood relief account

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Monetary help: Echuca Neighbourhood House is opening a flood relief fund. Photo by Steve Huntley

Echuca Neighbourhood House (ENH) is in the process of setting up a flood relief fund for those in desperate need of assistance.

ENH manager Sarah Peake said the fund would hopefully be up and running later this week.

In the meantime, donations can be made through ENH’s main bank account.

“The reason I wanted to set up a specific flood relief account is because I want to try and keep the funds separate from our day-to-day Neighbourhood House money,” Ms Peake said.

“I also think it’s reassuring for people to know that 100 per cent of the flood relief donations will be going towards flood relief purposes rather than general ENH activities.”

Ms Peake said in the short term, the funds would be used primarily to feed people in need.

“Once we know how many people are affected and how many people are displaced, we will then get a better idea of how best to assist the community, whether financially or otherwise,” she said.

While the ENH volunteers are working hard to support the community during this time, they are also facing their own personal battles with the floods.

Ms Peake said she along with a number of other ENH volunteers were isolated within their homes last week.

“Despite all this, we will continue to stand behind the community,” she said.

“It’s not just about family members helping other family members any more, it’s about strangers helping strangers.”

If you cannot afford to donate to the relief fund but want to help out in other ways, the ENH High St South facility is open to receiving donations of goods and food.

Ms Peake said they are also taking donations for Rochester.

“We’re in close contact with the co-ordinator of the Rochester Community House and I’m more than happy to be carting things over to Rochy,” she said.

“We’re not just keeping it all for ourselves. It’s not just about us, it’s about everyone and we need to be sharing the load throughout our greater community.”

Those who wish to make a monetary contribution can donate via the account number 141424333 with the BSB 633 000.

Please reference the donation with the title “floods”.

Alternatively, you can donate via

ENH is also now compiling a database of volunteers who are willing and able to assist during the flood crisis. If you would like to help, please register your details at