
Editor’s picks | Stories from left field

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Caught reporter: Monique Preston with the famous goldfish.

In a newsroom there are always stories that happen on a regular basis.

These are the bread and milk of the publication, whether it be columns, match reports or Preps starting school — you know the content is coming and you know when it will be there.

But the yarns that come from left field — those leads that make you sit up in your chair just a little bit straighter and say “I haven’t heard that one in a while” — tend to stick with you.

A man being knocked into a grave he was helping dig is one of those.

We wish him well on his recovery — but it also had us thinking about some of the recent stories (and one from a while back) that surprised us with their arrival.

Here’s some of them below.

More than just a game

Dangerous discovery

Shepparton caught reporter

Camel calf goes missing

Mysterious medal