
Ella’s a lovable labrador who loves a treat or two

Lovable labrador: This week’s pet page features Ella, an 11-year-old chocolate labrador. Photo by Grace Carter

Dogs are among the world’s most lovable pets, and Ella, the chocolate labrador, proves this point clearly.

It’s been smooth sailing ever since Isaac and Jennie Remnant and her partner got Ella.

She’s now 11 years old and is definitely a special addition to their family.

With big brown eyes and an even bigger smile, she is always up to show off her tricks for a treat.

Good girl: Ella loves to do tricks, in exchange for a treat. Photo by Grace Carter

Over the years, she’s learned a few tricks, like sitting, shaking hands, and giving a high five or even a double high five, knowing that she is a well-behaved girl.

She likes to rock “a little Mexican hat” at parties and wears various funny glasses and hats to dress up for photos.

Ella has a real taste for ... anything really, always wanting to eat whatever is on offer.

Lab-radorable: Ella the chocolate labrador. Photo by Grace Carter

Mrs Remnant’s partner always wanted a chocolate labrador because he had one when he was younger. So, when a friend of theirs had a baby chocolate labrador from a litter, they decided to keep it.

Mrs Remnant said Ella loves asserting her dominance by scratching at the door, but can get anxious about certain things.

Good scratch: Jennie Remnant, Isaac Remnant, 16, and Ella. Photo by Grace Carter

“She gets really funny when the bug zapper is on,” she said.

Especially when it comes to unknown people, including the postman.

“She’s a very good watch guard and she will make a big bark to scare anyone unwanted away,” Mrs Remnant said.

Over the years, Ella has grown out of barking at familiar faces. She prefers “human company over any toy” offered to her.

Strike a pose: Rather than playing with toys, Ella loves to spend time with people. Photo by Grace Carter

“She likes to come and give cuddles,” Mrs Remnant said.

“She loves attention from anybody and will not stop nagging until you give pets and maybe some treats.”

Ella makes her presence known by sitting under the dinner table and looking up, waiting for food to “accidentally” fall, hoping it’s pasta — one of her favourite treats.

Tricky: Ella doing a trick with Isaac Remnant. Photo by Grace Carter

Ella is an outside dog, unless she’s invited in to watch movies.

She isn’t by herself, though. She has a special bond with cat Lola.

Isaac said they’re besties and like being cheeky together.

“They have a special spot out on the couch just outside the front door,” he said.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but Ella’s fine with that, as long as she has her family.

Close-up: Ella loves all of her family, including the cat, Lola. Photo by Grace Carter