
Empowering every step: Our Place hosts all-abilities post-school expo

The future looks bright: Seymour College inclusive ed students will attend the All Abilities Inclusive Pathways Expo.

Stepping into adulthood is a significant milestone for any individual, but for some young adults with disabilities, the transition can be accompanied by unique challenges.

The All Abilities Inclusive Pathways Expo held by Seymour College and Our Place recognises the importance of ensuring that every young adult, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to chart a fulfilling life beyond school.

The expo has been planned with inclusive education school leavers and families living with disabilities in mind. It provides a space for young adults and their families to learn about and connect with various pathways that can enhance their lives.

Seymour College assistant principal of inclusive education Kristie Luckman said the idea for the expo originated in early in 2022 when she was looking at options for school leavers.

“After discussion it grew into looking at all services that families and students may need when they are thinking about leaving secondary school and other supports they may need,” Ms Luckman said.

“A benefit of staying connected is that students and families do not need to feel like they are left to think about the ‘what’s next?’ for themselves. The knowledge of knowing what is out there and what support is available is invaluable.”

Service providers at the event include WDEA Works, Intereach, Goulburn Options, FamilyCare, Nexus Primary Health and GOTAFE. They will help attendees explore various pathways to stay supported, socially connected and discover employment, education and volunteering opportunities.

“Pathways for inclusive ed students that are often overlooked are Goulburn Options, TAFE courses and employment,” Ms Luckman said.

Our Place community facilitator Deborah Kaak said opportunities for meeting new people, learning new skills and volunteering or working in the community were all important ways to contribute, feel valued and lead a full and happy life.

“So many people just don’t understand what is available locally, and opportunities are missed,” Ms Kaak said.

The event is open to everyone, there is no need to be a school leaver to attend.

The expo will be held on Thursday, September 14 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Seymour Family and Children's Centre, 29 Stewart St, Seymour.

Afternoon tea will be provided and there will be door prizes.