
Encouraging hydration and sustainability one water fountain at a time

The Kyabram Bombers netball team are staying hydrated this season with the emergence of a brand-new hydration station situated right next to their courts. Photo by Contributed

Ahead of the warmer months, and as more people start heading outside and enjoying the beautiful Kyabram sunshine, staying hydrated is important to both health and enjoyment.

Goulburn Valley Water is making sure the Kyabram community stays hydrated this summer while also encourgaing people to think consciously about the environment with the emergence of a new hydration station.

The water fountain has been dropped right in the middle of the Kyabram Recreation Reserve and is courtesy of Goulburn Valley Water and its partnership with the Campaspe Shire Council.

It is the third of its kind already in Kyabram installed by GVW, and adds to a total of 70 hydration stations across 48 towns in the Goulburn Valley.

Kyabram Football Netball Club president John Guinan said that the proximity to the netball courts, football club and community centre makes the location the “perfect choice”.

“I know other reserve user groups are really excited about the installation of the drinking fountain, and we look forward to being able to show it off when, hopefully, we host one of the GVL finals this year,” he said.

The hydration stations are a part of GVW’s Choose Tap program which encourages people to drink more water outside by drinking out of the station’s waterspout, using the station to fill up a water bottle, and keeping our furry friends hydrated as well.

GVW managing director Steve Capewell said the program came about in response to an increased number of applications received from local councils and community groups.

“We made a promise to our customers to have stations in every one of our towns with drinking water by June 2023. Now that this has been achieved there is an opportunity to put more stations in place to increase access to free drinking water for more people – and their pets,” Dr Capewell said.

Australians buy billions of single-use items every year, with 53 per cent of plastic bottles ending up in landfill while 12 per cent end up in the environment.

Dr Capewell said that these hydration stations are being used to reduce that number.

The program is also supported by the state-funded initiative Healthy Loddon Campaspe, which aims at improving health outcomes across the Loddon Campaspe region.

Healthy Loddon Campaspe co-ordinator Alicia O’Brien said that having the stations available to anyone who visits Kyabram Recreation Reserve will encourage healthy habits by having the option to drink clean water.

“We know that the availability of fresh, free drinking water is important in creating healthy food and drink environments where our communities live, work and play,” she said.

“The installation of the new hydration station at Kyabram Recreation Reserve in a highly visible location will help to support people to choose water as a healthier drink option.”

Find your nearest permanent hydration station location at