
Entries invited for writing competition

Photo by bombermoon

The Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition is in its third year and continues to grow.

The competition provides an opportunity to inspire people to be creative.

Anyone living in the Murrumbidgee, Griffith, Leeton or Narrandera local government areas can enter for free.

Hosted by Western Riverina Arts, the writing competition has three entry categories, with cash prizes of up to $350 available.

The winners will be announced in November, after they have undergone a blind judging process with the panel.

Winning entries will be featured in upcoming Western Riverina Arts newsletters and published on the group’s website.

First place winners and highly commended writers will all receive digital certificates.

The open age competition requires entrants to submit a story of between 1000 and 3000 words.

First prize is $350 and the runner-up will receive $200.

The under-18s competition offers a prize of $200, with entrants to submit a story of between 500 and 2000 words.

Stories in the under-12s competition must be at least 250 words. The cash prize is $75.

The short story must be an original work which has not been previously published elsewhere such as in blogs, magazines, books or websites.

Stories entered in previous years of the competition will not be accepted.

Each entrant may submit up to two stories.

Entries opened on Monday, and must be submitted before midnight on Sunday, October 8 via email to

You can submit a story on any topic you wish, fiction or non-fiction.

For more information about the competition, including details on how to format your story and entry information you must provide, go to