
End of an era as Euchre club set to close

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Hey days: Margaret Chance and Lorna Finn study their cards during a game of euchre. Photo by Robert Nicol

It is regret and sadness that the Barooga Euchre Club will cease operations at the end of February.

The club has existed since 1981 and has been a social meeting point for members of the Barooga and Cobram community.

However, due to diminishing numbers club organiser Heather Barrie has decided to cease operations.

“I am upset because there are people who could really do with our social club,” Ms Barrie said.

“However, due to lack of numbers, it is no longer viable to maintain the club.”

Ms Barrie notified the sports club which hosts the euchre club on its grounds, of the upcoming closure.

Ms Barrie has been a long-time member of the club, and was there when it first began.

“It was a good social club for the elderly. When we started we had over 30 members playing weekly. But now we are down to three. My son and I plus one other member,” she said.

One of Ms Barrie’s fondest memories was beating one of the reigning euchre card playing champions at the club.

“I felt on top of the world. I won 12 out of 12 games that week. Then the next week I didn’t win any,” she said.

Ms Barrie is still fond of table games, specifically bingo.

“I’ve been doing it for years. I keep Friday for bingo.”

Ms Barrie is worried that the future of card games such as euchre will diminish with the younger generation, noting that many young kids don’t have the same interest in playing.