
Exciting investment in social housing

Photo by baona

The desperate need for social housing in Deniliquin and district is expected to ease slightly with the announcement of an “exciting” project.

Homes Out West has received government funding to purchase a block of five units in Poictiers St, Deniliquin.

It will then contribute its own funding to add another two units within the same complex.

The project is estimated at more than $1 million.

It is expected to be “the first of a number of projects in the works”, according to Homes Out West CEO Gayle Clarke.

“We received funding from the Department of Communities and Justice that has allowed us to purchase the units,” she said.

“The units are currently occupied with tenants, who we are currently working with to accommodate them as Homes Out West tenants.

“There is additional area on the block for the construction of two more units.

“We expect to co-contribute a sum of $500,000 to ensure these are built.

“The expected timeline for the build to be completed is April 2024; we want to move pretty quickly.”

The government contribution is $695,000, and settlement of the property is scheduled for September 15, 2023.

The existing units are all two bedrooms. The new units will also be two bedrooms.

There are 60 people on the NSW Housing Register waiting for one and two bedroom units in Deniliquin.

This information was sent as part of the funding submission, along with Homes Out West’s strategic plan.

The Poictiers St units were considered appropriate for Homes Out West’s purposes due to its proximity to important services in town.

Homes Out West provides long term, secure and sustainable housing to low income families and individuals.

Applicants apply for housing and are assessed for eligibility, which is determined by NSW Government policy.

Homes Out West manages 350 properties in communities along the Murray River corridor from Albury to the South Australian border, from offices in Deniliquin and Albury.

Ms Clarke said it was about time “the focus came off Sydney and metro areas, and went into the regional areas”.

“More projects are in the works,” she said.

“We are currently working on relationships with a number of strategic partners with government departments and not-for-profit organisations.

“We are looking to meet the community needs, highlighted by the collated data, as we know there is significant need in Deniliquin.

“We are filling the void with extra housing which the government has not met.

“We are currently formulating a list of local contractors and builders who will be utilised to complete the two new units.”

For more information about Homes Out West services, call into 139 End St, Deniliquin, phone (03) 7032 3952 or email