
Exciting new art project set to brighten up Cobram

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New project: Cobram’s Arts-for-All group has initiated a new art project to cover the Mivo Park amenities building. The group was involved with the mural painted across the Grand Central Hotel wall, which artist Lou Walker painted. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Cobram will soon be home to a spectacular new mural thanks to Cobram Arts-for-All.

The Mivo Park amenities block will be have a new look following approval by Moira Shire Council for the group to decorate the building.

The block, which is located opposite Hungie Fangs and Ambience Bakery, currently has no art on its exterior, something that Arts-for-All president June Wood believes is sorely needed.

“We actually came up with the idea a while ago, and the idea was revamped,” she said.

“It’s (the Mivo Park amenities block) such a big blank canvas, and we can visualise a great art piece on it.”

The Arts-for-All organisation previously initiated the mural that decorates the side of the Cobram Grand Central Hotel and ‘Sherman the Tortoise’, which sits just outside Cobram IGA.

To assist in the decision of what will be painted on the Mivo Park amenities building, the Arts-for-All group has put out a survey on Facebook asking the public what they want to see.

The options include river scenes, native fauna and flora, native birds, orchard scenes and Indigenous art, with native and fauna being the most popular idea at time of writing, with 52 per cent of respondents choosing that option.

The second most popular option is river scenes.

Ms Wood said the decision and who would paint the mural would be decided once the votes were in. Ms Wood hopes the planned art installation will draw in more visitors.

“Hopefully, people will come and see the artwork, and it will enhance the park that was already there,” she said.