
Finding beauty in nature — new exhibition opens at the MEAC

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The Nature's Elements photography exhibition will be showcased at the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre. Fiona Morrison and Graeme Robertson are two of the photographers with work showcased there. Photo by Nicola Ceccato

An exciting new photography exhibition, Nature’s Elements, has landed at the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre and will be available for public viewing until December 23.

Fiona Morrison and her partner, Andrew Smith, run photography courses through their business Fiona Morrison Photography.

The exhibition will be showcasing the work of Mr Smith and Miss Morrison; Mr Smith’s father, George Smith, who assists with the program and is an avid photographer; and their student Graeme Robertson.

For each photographer, the inspiration for this exhibition comes from the unexpected beauty found in nature.

“The simple things inspire me,” Mr Robertson said.

“Unless you look at the ground, you don’t know what’s around you — there might be something beautiful on the ground.

“You could look at one thing and 20 people could photograph it differently.”

This is also the case for Miss Morrison, but her inspiration also comes from her passion for helping others reach their photography goals.

“My friend said to me a while ago: if it makes your heart sing, you're doing the right thing — and I love that,” Miss Morrison said.

“I used to be a nurse and that was wonderful and great, but I had to transition to something else and one day I picked up my camera and the peace I felt was amazing.

“So, being a teacher, tutor, mentor and educator in photography, I have seen so many people that have got beautiful talent and beautiful images tucked away, and I just want to encourage and mentor people with their photography to showcase them.”

The exhibition will be open from 9am to 3pm at the MEAC, with various pieces of work up for sale. Entry is free.

Miss Morrison will be running more photography and video programs next year, so if you’re interested in getting involved with Fiona Morrison Photography, contact her via her website or Facebook page.