
Fire Danger Period still in force despite wet weather

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Reminder: The Fire Danger Period is still in force. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The CFA is reminding people that regardless of the wet weather, the Fire Danger Period is still in force for residents in the Northern Country, North East and North Central Fire Weather Districts.

There are still restrictions and requirements around activities in the open air that can result in an out-of-control fire, including driving vehicles through dry vegetation, using gas-powered wildlife scare guns, welding, grinding and soldering and using chainsaws, lawn mowers and farm machinery.

Burning off without a written permit is also prohibited, and heavy penalties apply, with authorities taking a zero-tolerance approach to unregistered burn-offs.

“We have recently had several of our volunteer brigades called out to attend burn-offs where no permit has been issued,” Regional Commander Rob Van Dorsser said.

“Despite recent wet conditions, there is still potential for fires to burn out out of control.

“It only takes a couple of hot days for grasslands to dry out, and people are reminded of the ongoing risk of grassfires during this period.”

Residents or businesses wanting to check if they need a fire permit or apply for one can go to