
Firefighting chopper stationed in Benalla

Ready for action: A Firebird 328, Airbus AS350 B3 Squirrel is stationed at Benalla airport. Photo: Christine Glynn Photo by Contributed

A large fleet of firefighting aircraft are ready to respond to bushfires across north east, including one stationed at Benalla Airport.

The aircraft will be used by Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic), Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) to respond to fires and other emergencies.

FFMVic Deputy Chief Fire Officer Aaron Kennedy said aircraft played a critical role when responding to fires.

“On high fire danger days, as soon as the call goes out to respond, firebombing aircraft will be dispatched so we can hit fires hard and fast and keep them small,” Mr Kennedy said.

“North-east Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world and this impressive aircraft fleet will work together to deliver an effective fire suppression operation.

“Aircraft work hand-in-hand with firefighters to contain fires both on private property and public land.

“Dispatching the aircraft with ground crews, fire trucks and bulldozers increases our ability to rapidly contain or limit the size and spread of fires.

“This helps keep communities, and the environment, safe.”

Aircraft have already played a key role during the recent flood response with more than 1800 aircraft movements since October 1 transporting resources and surveying affected areas.

Aircraft are strategically placed across the state and can be moved quickly to respond to fires that threaten life and property.

A Firebird 328, Airbus AS350 B3 Squirrel is stationed in Benalla.

This single-engine helicopter is predominantly used for firebombing and is equipped with a 1100-litre firebombing tank.

The tank can be refilled in a hover in about 45 seconds.