
Firewood collection rules protect wildlife habitat

Only fallen timber without hollows can be collected for firewood. Photo by Daneka Hill

Victorians are being asked to help save critical wildlife habitat and protect Aboriginal scarred trees by sourcing firewood responsibly ahead of winter.

The Conservation Regulator said illegal firewood collectors caused significant damage to parks, forests and reserves in recent years, with some areas like the Mansfield Swamp Wildlife Reserve between Corop and Stanhope losing an estimated 50 per cent of its old mature trees through timber theft.

“We can all do our part in protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage, wildlife habitat and biodiversity by knowing where, when and what firewood can be collected,” Conservation Regulator chief Kate Gavens said.

“It can take hundreds of years for nature to create tree hollows, and habitat loss from illegal firewood collection has a serious impact on the future of our iconic native species.”

Domestic firewood collection from public land is only available in designated areas during the autumn and spring firewood collection seasons.

During these times people can collect a maximum of two cubic metres of firewood per person per day and a maximum of 16 cubic metres of firewood per household per financial year. Only fallen timber without hollows can be collected.

This year the Conservation Regulator is targeting firewood theft with Forest Fire Management Victoria and Parks Victoria through Operation Hollows.

Anyone caught breaking firewood collection rules can face on-the-spot-fines of $740 under the Forests Act 1958 or a maximum penalty of $9246 and/or one year of jail if the matter is taken to court.

Last year the Conservation Regulator laid 625 charges and issued 85 infringement notices and 16 official warnings for firewood offences, including cutting or taking fallen or felled trees, and disturbing, damaging or destroying wildlife habitat.

Firewood collectors should also understand their obligations under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. It is an offence to harm Aboriginal heritage and substantial penalties apply.

For more information about Aboriginal heritage contact First Peoples — State Relations on 1800 762 003.

For details of where firewood can be collected, visit:

To report the illegal cutting or removal of firewood anonymously, phone 136 186.