Firies rewarded for their service

Eight members of the Mathoura Rural Fire Service were acknowledged at the brigade's end of season function. Photo courtesy of the Mathoura RFS.

Congratulations are extended to eight members of the Mathoura Rural Fire Brigade.

They include seven members who received long service medals for 10, 20, 30 and 50 years of service, and another two who were awarded life memberships.

Peter Hewat received the 10 year medal, and Russell Perry, Chris Roberts, Rick Ireland and Greg Berryman received their 20 year clasps.

Chris Glenn and Ian Keech were awarded 30 year clasps and Doug Berryman the 50 year medal and clasp.

Brigade life memberships were also awarded to Russell Perry and Rick Ireland

In the brigade’s 109 year history there had only been one life membership awarded for service above and beyond the call of duty – now there are three.

The presentations were made by president Mark Eddy during the brigade’s ‘end of season and presentation’ function at The Timbercutter.

The efforts of the brigade’s mighty secretary-treasurer and president in organising the event were also acknowledged.


The Mathoura community will gather this morning to farewell yet another of its favourite sons.

Wayne Andrew Cowser, affectionately known as ‘Bugs’, passed away recently after a long battle with cancer.

A graveside funeral service to celebrate his life will be held at the Mathoura Lawn Cemetery at 10am this morning.

Wayne was the loving son of Bill and Dot Couser (both deceased), and brother of Greg.


Mathoura is a long way from Bondi, but sadly not too far removed from the horror which took place there at the weekend.

It turns out that one of the women killed in incident, Ash Good, came from Echuca and attended school with at least one Mathoura local.

Lets hope her baby survives and is not overly affected by the ordeal.

A prayer or two wouldn’t go astray.


Mathoura’s Skate Park is expected to be a hive of activity on Sunday when Totem conducts a free learn to skate workshop.

Designed for enthusiasts between the ages of 12 and 24, the workshop will run from 10am to 1pm.

It is a Youth Week event organised by Murray River Council.


It’s that time of year again – when those who do so much for others are themselves asking for support.

It is the Salvation Army’s annual Red Shield Appeal.

And when the leader of the Echuca Brigade, which serves our area, is none other than our former community nurse Sonia Edwards, I’m sure you will want to offer your support.

Collection tins have been placed in several businesses in town and you know that any donations will be appreciated.


They say winners are grinners and there would certainly have been plenty of happy people around town on Saturday night.

Mathoura Football Club’s senior football side enjoyed its first win of the season.

The lads travelled to Blighty to make their conquest, and did it nicely.

The final score was Mathoura 14.8 (92) to Blighty 3.5 (23).

Well done.

Let’s hope that’s just the start of something big and there are more wins to come.