
Flood inquiry extends submission deadline

Inundated: A photo of Seymour’s Kings Park, days after last year’s flood event. Photo: Wayne Herring

The parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s major floods of October 2022 has provided a four-week extension to its submission deadline, with community input now due by June 5.

The Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee is investigating the state’s preparedness for and response to the disaster.

Committee Chair Sonja Terpstra said that people and organisations interested in making submissions needed more time.

“We are keen to ensure that everyone who wants to has adequate opportunity to share their experiences and suggestions with the committee, so we have agreed to extend the deadline to hear from anyone affected,” she said.

The committee is considering what caused or contributed to the flooding and the adequacy and effectiveness of early warning systems.

Emergency services, government policy, flood mitigation strategies and the Victorian Planning Framework will also be key to the inquiry.

Ms Terpstra said the committee was trying to make it as easy as possible for people to share their stories.

“Whilst the submission deadline has been extended, this does not impact the running of the inquiry or extend any other deadline,” she said.

People can email or write to the committee or complete the submission form online. Details are available from the committee’s website.