Flood stories to shape review

Emergency service personnel make their way through floodwater on their way to help in the Moulamein area.

Community members impacted by the 2022 floods in Moulamein are being invited to have input on the Moulamein Flood Study.

Murray River Council has engaged WMS Engineering to undertake the study, which will ensure mapping and plans capture all relevant data to support flood preparedness and response activities in the future.

Council’s director infrastructure Jack Bond said the current Moulamein Flood Study was developed in 2019, prior to the 2022 floods.

“Despite the comprehensive data used in the previous Moulamein Flood Study, the town has since experienced its largest recorded flood levels in the Edward River in the 2022 flood event.

“So in response, we want to thoroughly review and update the current flood study with data collected from this most recent event.

“This review will align the study with the latest information, accurately reflect current conditions, and provide detailed insights into both river and overland flooding.”

Mr Bond said the study is currently in the data collection and review stage.

“To ensure we have the most accurate information our consultants will gather and review all available information and past reports, including local knowledge and the community’s experiences of flooding.

“Community input is crucial at this stage, so I’d encourage residents to offer local knowledge, photos or any information relating to local experiences.”

Residents have two opportunities to have their say on flooding in Moulamein:

1. Fill in a questionnaire about your experience(s) of flooding and drainage issues for the region. The questionnaire can be filled in via the public notice section on council’s website. Hardcopies are available at the Moulamein Library and Business Centre during business hours.

2. Attend the community information drop-in session to be held on Wednesday, July 31, at the Moulamein Bowling Club between 5pm and 7pm.

Community members attending the meeting are encouraged to bring along their photos of flooding and drainage issues to share. Photos can be on your phone, on a USB or memory card.

Community members who have an interest in the study, or who have knowledge of past flooding or drainage problems around Moulamein are encouraged to participate.