
Fox bounty back for 2023, over one million scalps recorded since 2011

One million scalps: The fox and wild dog bounty, running form March until October 2023, is part of Agriculture Victoria's land management strategy. Photo by Supplied

In 2022 alone, 82,558 fox scalps and 384 wild dog body parts were collected, taking the fox bounty count to over one million foxes. Now, the fox and wild dog bounty is back for another year.

Wild dogs, foxes and domestic cats all pose a threat to native wildlife populations.

Foxes and wild dogs also feed on livestock, especially lambs and sheep.

The bounty is part of a management approach combined with other techniques such as poison bating, trapping, exclusion fencing and fumigation to limit their damage.

The program received $6.7 million in the Victorian Government’s 2020-21 Budget and will continue until 2024.

Fox scalps carry a $10 reward and entire wild dog body parts earn a $120 reward.

The number of foxes collected each season varies based on conditions.

Agriculture Victoria biosecurity officers will operate monthly collection centres across the state from March until October.

Collection centres include Broadford, Benalla, Tatura and Mansfield and will be open from March until October.

Applications to participate in the program are now done online.

To register for the new digital system, please visit and follow the prompts.

Visit to find out more or call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.