
Free information night for women’s health returns

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Shepparton Women's Health Centre are hosting their 8th annual Women's Health Information Night on October 4.
Information, stat: Speakers on the night include Dr Margreet Stegeman, MND Victoria adviser and support co-ordinator Samantha Mitchell, Dr Krystal Green and Dr Alba Sanderson. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

For the employees and practitioners at Shepparton Women’s Health Centre, this year’s Women’s Health Information Night is close to their hearts.

Centre practice manager Josie Ganino said as someone they knew had recently been diagnosed with motor neurone disease, funds raised from the clinic’s eighth annual information session would be donated to the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Victoria.

“MND Victoria is the only not-for-profit organisation in the state helping people living with MND and their carers,” she said.

“Everything they do is provided at no direct cost to people living with MND.

“They support people to link with services and supports, provide vital equipment, information and education, and offer support groups for people living with MND and their carers.”

Ms Ganino said it was not just about money, although funds were much needed; it was about raising awareness of an incurable and untreatable disease.

The night’s first speaker will be MND Victoria adviser and support co-ordinator Samantha Mitchell, who will explain what MND is.

Other speakers from Shepparton Women’s Health Centre are discussing topics such as fertility by Dr Alba Sanderson, cervical screening by Dr Krystal Green, and vulvar problems by Dr Margreet Stegeman.

“It’s an educational and informative evening — something that Shepparton lacks,” Ms Ganino said.

“We started hosting these free information nights as there was nothing in the community publicly accessible for women to receive correct and vital information about health issues. This is our way of giving back to the community.

“These topics, regardless of whether it has impacted a person or not, give an idea on what to expect if a situation does arise.”

The popular event has been booked out in previous years, gaining attention from local organisations who have donated prizes that will be raffled off on the night.

They include pamper and beauty packs, sunglasses, meal vouchers, clothing vouchers and more.

The Women’s Health Information Night is on Wednesday, October 4 at The University of Melbourne, Shepparton Campus, 49 Graham St, Shepparton.

Arrive at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. The event concludes at 8.30pm.

The Soroptimist International of Shepparton Inc will provide a light supper at the end of the night.

This is a free event; however, gold coin donations will be appreciated on arrival.

For further information and to book, visit or contact Shepparton Women’s Health Centre on 5821 3555.