Fuel station ignites concerns

A concept drawing of the proposed petrol station for Mulwala. Photo by Corowa Journalist

Mulwala residents will need to wait until December 12 to find out whether Federation Council will grant a development application for a new petrol station in Mulwala.

The plans, currently under consideration, have garnered mixed reactions from the community, with a group raising objections centred around perceived environmental and health risks, potential traffic congestion, and concerns about the future resale values of nearby properties.

The development application outlines plans for a service station, convenience store, signage, and shop on the vacant land at the corner of Melbourne and Inglis Streets. While the proposal falls within the E1 Local Centre zone and avoids heritage or environmental significance areas, it has sparked some opposition from locals.

Council’s monthly meeting for November, which took place on Tuesday in Urana, saw a five-minute address to council by Maree De-Paoli just before the scheduled 9:30 am start.

During the meeting, Ms De-Paoli addressed the council, highlighting the group’s objections.

Group members met with the Yarrawonga Chronicle last week and conveyed their concerns about a lack of knowledge of the proposed development to Mulwala residents other than the few adjoining property owners.

A petition against the proposed development was to be organised and presented to council.

The proposed site, situated amidst a mix of land zones including E1 Local Centre, R1 General Residential, and RE1 Public Recreation, has drawn attention due to its proximity to various land uses, including commercial establishments, residential dwellings, and public parks. The Mulwala police station is located directly to the north on Inglis St.

The development description reveals an ambitious plan, featuring a fuel dispensing area with a 6.0m high canopy, dual-sided fuel dispensers, underground fuel tanks, and a control building housing a service station shop, food sales console, cold room, storage room, bathroom, and staff office. The proposal also includes a refuse/services area, delivery bay, 16 car parking spaces, and four staff parking spaces.

Access to the site is planned from both Inglis Street and Melbourne Street, with landscaping proposed along road frontages and a 2.0m high acoustic fence along specific boundaries.

The proposed operating hours for the service station are 5 am to 10 pm, seven days a week, with an expected maximum of four staff members on-site during operation. Fuel deliveries are slated for three times a week during non-peak hours.

Public notification of the application between October 4 and October 19, 2022, resulted in four submissions and one petition (with 11 names). Concerns raised in these submissions included potential noise, fumes, and odours, increased traffic, contamination risks, and the perceived devaluation of surrounding properties.

After failing to secure a seconder for the motion at Tuesday’s meeting, Deputy Mayor Shaun Whitchurch requested that more information be sought.

“We need more detail,” he said.

It was agreed, a decision should be deferred until the extraordinary meeting of council on December 12.

Mayor Pat Bourke said it was the “responsible” thing to do.