
Funding begins to flow for Shepparton stadiums

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Shepparton Sports Stadium.

Millions of dollars of funding will flow to Shepparton’s two main stadiums — as well as a number of shared path and accessibility projects — following a State Government announcement this week.

The Victorian Government’s $25 million Council Support Package — $3 million of which will be directed to Greater Shepparton — will enable the biggest upgrade the Shepparton Sports Stadium has seen in more than three decades to take place across the next two years.

On the agenda are roof upgrades, facade and external signage upgrades and upgrades to the change spaces and accessibility to service major events and community competitions.

VISY Community Stadium will see more works carried out, with roof, kitchen and foyer upgrades set to take place as well as the construction and fit out of gender inclusive and accessible multi-use change rooms.

VISY Community Stadium.

The funding will also be used to upgrade mezzanine facilities and sporting equipment, as well as safety improvements to indoor courts and updates to all court line-marking to ensure correct measurements for basketball and badminton.

“Upgrades to change spaces and accessibility is a really big, important one — obviously it’s not up to a standard that we feel is appropriate moving forward, so with this funding we will be able to make those upgrades,” City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali said.

“What we’re trying to achieve now is maintain our facilities, upgrade them as much as we can with the funding that’s been delivered at this particular point and continue to work towards the greater plan and greater project of a significant upgrade of the Shepparton Sports Stadium.

“This provides greater flexibility for user groups which I think is important.”

The improvements to VISY in particular could have the most scope for immediate benefit.

“We know what our end goal is absolutely, and we’re all working towards that as a community and council and different user groups, but you can’t let things slip with what’s there at the moment,” Cr Sali said.

“We know we want to undertake a significant redevelopment, but what are we doing in the meantime? This funding can allow us to make sure the facility is sound until a major upgrade takes place.

“It’s about getting the maximum usage out of our facilities like VISY that at the moment is probably underutilised because of the limitations It's got around change rooms, entrance foyer, kitchen and those facilities to be able to cater for larger sporting events that can take place there.

“We talk about Gators games, netball games, other types of games that can be hosted there and you’ve got tiered seating there that can cater for 1000+ which is significant.

“The plan is to try and maintain all forms of user groups there operating as per normal, there might be some small interruptions but nothing of the extent of a major redevelopment, so we’ll work with those relevant user groups and the plan is to have these projects achieved before June 30, 2026.”

Improvement to footpaths throughout the Shepparton Sports City Precinct will also be carried out.

“Connecting the BMX facility, the velodrome and the existing sports precinct, with a shared path network and accessible parking (is important) ‒ the look and feel of that precinct will be upgraded,” Cr Sali said.

“If you’re at the main sports precinct pavilion, actually getting from there in an accessible way to the BMX is not possible at the moment in terms of a shared path facility or accessible parking, the pedestrian connectivity is not there and it (is a project that) needs to be undertaken.”

Finally, the Yahna Gurtji Shared Path between Gemmill's Swamp at Mooroopna and KidsTown will be expanded.

“An expansion of our shared path network is a great asset for Mooroopna,” Cr Sali said.

The Council Support Package is part of the Victorian Government’s Regional Investment Package to support local government organisations to undertake projects that will create outcomes that may have been generated by the hosting of the 2026 Commonwealth Games in regional Victoria.

“We’re proud to support so many exciting projects across rural and regional Victoria that will lead to better public spaces, more economic activity and better outcomes for visitors and locals,” Regional Development Minister Gayle Tierney said.

“These projects are shovel-ready meaning that we’re ready to support better outcomes that benefit our regions sooner.”

The $3 million received by council is under the Hub Cities Stream 1 Council Support Package.

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