
Funding for free entry to shows

Wheely good news: Funding is available for agricultural and pastoral societies to support free entry for children to their shows and field days. Photo by Megan Fisher

Victorian agricultural and pastoral societies can access funding to support free entry for children to their shows and field days.

The funding has been made available through the Victorian Government’s one-off investment in the Children Entry COVID Recovery Grants program.

Agriculture Victoria’s Sarah-Jane McCormack said the program ensured regional and rural shows came back stronger than ever.

“For the past two years, most of the state’s agricultural shows have been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and these grants help organisers return to pre-pandemic attendance and revenue,” she said.

“Free entry for kids makes it easier for families to come along and see first-hand best on-farm practices and to immerse themselves in learning experiences to better understand agriculture.”

The grants are open to all eligible Victorian agricultural and pastoral societies that are hosting upcoming agriculture, horticultural or pastoral events.

Grant amounts will be capped and based on previous ticket revenue from recent shows, events or field days held by the society.

Regional and rural shows are a fixture of Victorian society, building community spirit by celebrating agriculture in a fun, entertaining, educational and inclusive environment.

Victorian Agriculture Shows executive officer Rod Bowles said he was delighted to see the program open for applications.

“The past two years have been challenging for the societies and we’re looking forward to welcoming more families to the upcoming spring show season,” Mr Bowles said.

Applications are open until September 26.

For more information on the program and to apply, visit the Agriculture Victoria website.