
Funding sought to upgrade busy Tatura road

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Repairs needed: State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell spoke in parliament about the state of the surface on Ross St, Tatura.

The state of the surface on a busy Tatura street has been brought up in Victorian parliament.

State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has called on the Victorian Government to provide funding to repair and upgrade the southern section of Ross St in Tatura.

In a constituency question to Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne recently, Ms Lovell said the condition of the road surface between Hogan St and the Tatura Racecourse was extremely poor and needed to be repaired as soon as possible.

In her contribution, Ms Lovell said that Ross St, through Tatura, formed part of the C357 arterial road and was the main thoroughfare for many heavy vehicles transporting goods to Melbourne.

Ms Lovell said it was the high volume of these heavy vehicles that had caused the significant deterioration of the road surface, and the road needed to be adequately repaired and upgraded to reflect the quantity and type of vehicles that used it.

She said the roundabout at the intersection of Ross and Hogan Sts was also broken up in several places due to the number of heavy vehicles negotiating the intersection and, as it was a VicRoads road, called on Ms Horne to act on the issue.

“The road surface of Ross St between Hogan St and the Tatura Racecourse is littered with potholes caused by the substantial number of heavy vehicles using the road each day,” Ms Lovell said.

“Nearby residents have reported they have trouble sleeping because of the noise of vehicles hitting these potholes and I urge the minister to fund a full upgrade of this section of Ross St that will adequately cater for the types of vehicles that use it.”