Gallery | Dairy women gather

Vanessa McLeod from GippsDairy, with Dr Alex Boileau from ProDairy, and Marita Pandolfo, a dairy farmer from Lardner. Photo by Jeanette Severs

A gathering of women in the dairy industry took place in Warragul, in south-east Victoria, on August 16, with farmers and service providers present.

Organiser Rose Atherton said it was an opportunity for women to come together in a relaxed atmosphere, to meet and talk about their challenges and accomplishments.

Conversation topics among the women present ranged from university courses and workshops to employee management, sponsoring overseas workers and the weather.

The outing was organised through GippsDairy’s women in dairy group.

Their next gathering is the end of year Ladies Lunch, on November 28. Booking details are on the GippsDairy Facebook site.

Raelene Hanratty, a dairy farmer at Newry, and Lesleigh Wright, sales manager for MaxCare. Photo by Jeanette Severs
Kimberley Pellatt from NAB Warragul; Jodi Loughridge, a dairy farmer at Poowong North; and Allison Potter, head of field services at Bulla Dairy Foods, Poowong North. Photo by Jeanette Severs
Vanessa Forsyth, NAB Warragul, and Margaret McDonald, a sheep and beef farmer at Tetoora Road. Photo by Jeanette Severs
Olivia Potter, Regional Migration Australia, Traralgon, with Rose Atherton, a dairy farmer at Drouin. Photo by Jeanette Severs
Dairy farmers Larissa Joyce, of Strzelecki, and Penny Cervi, of Trafalgar East. Photo by Jeanette Severs