
Gallery | Time for Music and Merriment

Boogie time: Seniors and Shepparton Access participants having a good time. Photo by Megan Fisher

With the last week of the Seniors Festival well under way, Shepparton Access has hosted its second event for the program.

Music and Merriment was held at the Shepparton Senior Citizens Clubrooms, bringing in a big crowd of more than 70 people.

Shepparton Access, a living and lifestyle hub that supports adults with disabilities over 18, hosted the event to connect its participants with the wider community and engage in an afternoon of fun.

Entertainment was provided by musician Anthony Tenace, with the crowd dancing and singing along with him.

For the seniors, there was also a light lunch and coffee and tea provided, as well as plenty of board games to keep the fun going.

News photographer Megan Fisher headed down to the event to capture all the fun.

Strike a pose: Geoffrey Swales joins in on the dancing. Photo by Megan Fisher
Tunes: Anthony Tenace wows the crowd with his performance. Photo by Megan Fisher
Fun times: Callum Phyland is all smiles. Photo by Megan Fisher
On the dance floor: Katherine Whyte strikes a pose. Photo by Megan Fisher
Big smiles: Maddie Hunt loves the music. Photo by Megan Fisher
Entertainment: Anthony Tenace puts on a great show for everyone. Photo by Megan Fisher
Hands up: Josh Symes has loads of fun with the dance moves. Photo by Megan Fisher
Day out: Lucy Sullivan dances along with the music. Photo by Megan Fisher
Fun with friends: Amy Brennan and Erin Mohi enjoy the afternoon. Photo by Megan Fisher