Garden project receives grant

Photo by SaintM Photos

The Berrigan Community Garden’s application for $1000 to create a path through the native garden and stakes with The Strawberry Fields Music Group was successful.

We are all very excited to see another project being completed.

If you would like to be part of the group, it meets Wednesdays at 1.30pm and Saturdays at 9.30am.


A very successful working bee was held at the Berrigan MPS (hospital) on Sunday by members of the Berrigan Conservation & Tidy Towns.

They were assisted by other volunteers.

The staff provided the workers with scones with jam and cream and a cuppa, for which the members were all very grateful.


Berrigan Golf Club will be holding the next Trade Day on Sunday, June 16.

It is a two person ambrose event, and tee off will be at noon.

Get your partner organised now for a great day out on the golf course.

This event is for new and current golfers, It is a great way to play golf for beginners.


The Berrigan Football Club held its annual goods and service auction last Saturday, which was brilliantly supported by the local community.

Thank you to everyone who supported this amazing fundraiser.

Berrigan will have three away games now - against Picola, Deni Rovers and Katandra.


The community learned recently of the passing of Kevin Bush, on May 24 in Leeton.

Kevin was born in Berrigan, the eldest son of Mona and Frank Bush.

Kevin started working with Berrigan Shire in 1951 as a junior rates clerk.

He moved to Leeton Shire on June 15 1967 and resigned after 40 years service on June 1, 1991.

Kevin was very involved in the Berrigan Community, including with the Berrigan Tennis Club, Berrigan Hospital, Berrigan Football Club and the Merrymakers.

Kevin's funeral was held yesterday at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Leeton.