Georgia has farming on her mind

Georgia Anderson is juggling year 12 VCE with an on-farm apprenticeship in Gippsland and studying agriculture part-time at Longerenong College near Horsham. Photo by Jeanette Severs

Georgia Anderson is a young woman carving out a career in agriculture.

Georgia is still at school but has worked in the dairy industry since she was 14.

Georgia started working at the neighbouring dairy farm in 2020 as a school-based apprentice.

“I started working in the calf-rearing shed and now I can do pretty much everything on the farm,” she said.

Georgia works on the dairy farm in Gippsland for up to two days a week, and full-time during school holidays. She is completing Year 12 at a local private secondary school.

Georgia also travels to Longerenong College, near Horsham, for one-week in-person blocks of study six times a year. At Longerenong, she is studying the Certificate IV in agriculture.

“I’ve also been doing work experience placement at one of the Nutrien Ag livestock agencies,” Georgia said.

Next year she will move closer to Longerenong College to undertake full-time study of the advanced diploma in agribusiness and applied agronomy.

Her ambition at the moment is to work in the livestock industry and she is keen to advance her knowledge of agribusiness.

“I like the stock agent side of agribusiness and the owner of the local Nutrien Ag agency has already offered me an opportunity to work with them,” Georgia said.

“When I did work experience with them, Ben gave me lots of opportunities to try different things and I enjoyed working with that team.

“He is also happy to help me get work in other Nutrien Ag branches.”