
Gorse’s combustibility more cause for eradication

Danial Idczac and Christina Boon will present a webinar on gorse's contribution to fuelling bushfires.

A name often associated with cursing, gorse is now under the spotlight due to a further environmental impact.

In addition to choking pasture and displacing native plant species in natural vegetation, gorse (Ulex europaeus) also poses a threat for fuelling bushfires due to its combustibility.

A webinar organised by the Vic Gorse Taskforce will be held at 5.30pm on Tuesday, March 26 to equip landholders to control the weed.

The webinar is a joint initiative of CFA Vegetation Management and Landcare Victoria.

Vic Gorse Taskforce communications and community engagement office Christina Boon said gorse poses a significant challenge to land management.

“Left unchecked, gorse can quickly spread, crowding out native vegetation, increasing fire risk, and disrupting ecosystems,” Ms Boon said.

“However, with the right tools and techniques, landholders can take proactive steps to control gorse and preserve the health and beauty of their land and our landscapes."

The link to the webinar is: