
Goulburn Valley Water releasing treated wastewater into Goulburn River to free-up storage

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Making space: Goulburn Valley Water will be releasing treated wastewater into the Goulburn River in response to overflowing storage lagoons. Photo by Murray Silby

In response to the overflowing storage lagoons caused by last year’s floods and a cooler-than-usual summer, Goulburn Valley Water’s Shepparton wastewater management facility is set to release fully treated wastewater into the Goulburn River over the next 120 days.

About 10 megalitres a day will be released to mitigate the risk of uncontrolled overflows.

“Releasing excess fully treated wastewater from our storages helped to reduce any potential for uncontrolled overflows,” GVW wastewater and recycling co-ordinator Stuart Harris said.

“The water being released has been fully treated and meets Class C standards.

“The EPA has approved the release and we will work closely with them to ensure we monitor for any unexpected impacts on the environment.”

To safeguard the wellbeing of local communities and ecosystems, stringent water quality monitoring protocols will remain in effect throughout the process.