
Grant applications for small to medium manufacturing businesses open

Critical: Victorian Jobs and Industry Minister Natalie Hutchins says manufacturing is critical to the state’s economy.

Grants of up to $250,000 to help businesses improve their technology and productivity have been made available by the Victorian Government.

The Allan Labor Government said small and medium-sized Victorian manufacturers could apply for the grants under round two of the Made in Victoria – Manufacturing Growth Program.

Jobs and Industry Minister Natalie Hutchins said the grants would help businesses introduce new technology, improve their productivity and competitiveness in local and global supply chains, upskill workers and create new jobs.

“Manufacturing is critical to growing our economy and supporting local jobs,” Ms Hutchins said.

“These grants will help more local businesses to innovate and expand, drive investment and compete globally.”

The government said round one of the program, the recipients of which were announced last month, saw 14 Victorian manufacturers supported and 138 new jobs created.

Ms Hutchins said Victoria’s manufacturing industry was worth $33 billion, including more than 24,000 businesses supporting more than 260,000 jobs and exporting goods worth $23.9 billion.

More information about the Made in Victoria – Manufacturing Growth Program can be found at