
Grants boost women's sport

More girls can get on the field with the new grants. Photo by Aidan Briggs

Clubs across Northern Victoria are receiving grants to boost opportunities for women and girls in sport.

AFL Goulburn Murray and Shepparton Junior Soccer Association both received funding from the 2023-24 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program, which offers grants of up to $10,000 to eligible organisations to provide more opportunities to women and girls in sport.

State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes congratulated the groups, after AFL Goulburn Murray received $5000 to help it deliver a modified program for junior girls, and Shepparton Junior Soccer Association received $1020 for the start of a girls only competition.

“It’s great to see local clubs taking up this opportunity to get more women and girls involved in community sport,” Ms Symes said.

“Local organisations like AFL GM and Shepparton Junior Soccer Association are integral parts of the community and are great places to make changes for the better.”

The program is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to gender equality and equal opportunities across all levels of sport in Victoria.