
Great turnout for fundraising event

Guests at the Bra Fence fundraiser at the weekend. Photo courtesy of Mathoura Bra Fence.

Oh what a night it was; it really was quite a night.

Mathoura Bra Fence Committee held it’s major fundraiser on Saturday night and people came in droves to support it.

They purchased raffle tickets, bid on auction items and generally had a great time

Some danced, others sang and others simply enjoyed a chat with friends.

I understand the proceeds from the evening totalled several thousand dollars, enabling the group to continue its valuable work.

According to the group’s Facebook page, the tally was more than $5,500, with donations still coming in.

Well done to all involved.


The senior Timbercutters enjoyed another win last weekend.

Let’s hope they can continue to put the numbers on the board and enjoy the fun.


If you like garage sales, then Mathoura will be the place to be on the coming long weekend

Initiated by Danni Joss there will be a number of easy to identify sale sites set up throughout the town on Saturday, June 8.

Maps will also be available to direct you to the various sites.


I had a call from Bendigo Bank, well supposedly Bendigo Bank, the other day.

The gentleman advised he was calling to discuss my credit card account with the card ending in ...

According to the caller there had been an attempt to withdraw $4,000 from my account, but when that figure was declined there was another unsuccessful attempt – this time for $1,000. (Also declined).

Those of you who know me would be well aware that he would have to be dreaming to think I had that amount of money.

In any event I didn’t take any risks. I contacted our local Bendigo Bank people, who in turn followed it up with their Tongala head office.

The inquiry proved fruitless but I was commended on making it and encouraged to contact the bank if I had any concerns.